Blog Entries


Kids Crafts with Karen-Light up the night!

Small flashes of light flicker in the dark summer sky. Lightning bugs are luminescent, they have the ability to create their own light in yellow, orange or green. This week we will create our own version of these winged beetles.

Claudette’s Kitchen- Pizza Poppers

Bell Peppers, also known as sweet peppers are capsicum. This is the fruit of plants in the Grossum Cultivar group. This pepper comes in a bright variety of colors such as red,orange,yellow, and green. You can find these peppers in every supermarket, farmers market, and most backyard gardens! They can be used for a variety of side dishes and garnishing on salads and meals. They originate from Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America.


Most music these days is made available via various streaming services. Sometimes we lose sight (no pun intended) of what the artist, composer or musician looks like. This is why I am posting 10-12 photos each week of iconic musicians as well as lesser known artists. Let’s see if you can guess who they are.

Keep scrolling down for the answers….

The Dog Days of Summer

Welcome to the “Dog Days,” the time of year synonymous with the “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.” The name conjures images of dappled dogs dozing in the sun but have you ever wondered where the term originated and what it actually means?  The “Dog Days,” which officially begin on July 3 and end on August 11, coincide with Sirius, the Dog Star, rising and setting with the sun. Known as the Dog Star because it is part of the constellation Canis Major, Latin for “Greater Dog,” Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.


Greetings and Salutations, “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.” Dr.Seuss One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Here are this week’s riddles!

Not too difficult

What begins with T, finishes with T and has “T” in it?

Moderately difficult


Hello Crafters! Today’s craft is a little different from what we have been doing. We are going to use acrylic paints so be sure to protect your table as it could get messy. Ok? Let’s go!

You will need: acrylic paint (I used green, brown, yellow, white and black), paintbrush, sponge brush, 9.5 x 11.5 clear plastic storage bag, dark blue or black paper cut to size of bag, print out of flashlight.

Summer Camp Stories

Camp is a defining experience of summer for some kids. This year, many camps aren’t happening, and those that are on look different from years past. If your kids are longing for the traditions of summer camp, books are here to help!


Do you ever go through the produce isle and see those cucumbers wrapped in plastic? If so, I have the answer to your “is it to avoid the virus??” Question you may be asking yourself. Ok, actually I don’t, BUT I can say that these particular cucumbers are known as English cucumbers. They also can be interchangeably called Greenhouse, European, or Seedless cucumbers. I can also assure you that they’re absolutely delicious! The skin on these cucumbers are very thin, making them ideal for slicing into salads and garnishing for appetizers.


Most music these days is made available via various streaming services. Sometimes we lose sight (no pun intended) of what the artist, composer or musician looks like. This is why I am posting 10-12 photos each week of iconic musicians as well as lesser known artists. Let’s see if you can guess who they are.

Keep scrolling down for the answers….


Born to Fly: The First Women’s Air Race Across America by Steve Sheinkin

The Women’s Air Derby of 1929 brought twenty prominent female aviators to the starting line, including Elinor Smith who, at the age of 17, electrified New York when she flew her plane under the Brooklyn Bridge!


It is inconceivable that just a scant few months ago we had never heard of Zoom and now it is an integral part of our lives, both for maintaining business and personal relationships and for experiencing cultural activities in the virtual realm.  While Zoom is essential these days, it can be somewhat daunting.  Attached are some basic instructions for attending Zoom events and some videos that should prove helpful.