Program and Materials Display Policy

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Program and Materials Display Policy

The Scarsdale Public Library’s mission is to encourage the joy of reading, the exploration of ideas, and the pursuit of lifelong learning for the children and adults of our community.  Our programs and displays are an integral component of furthering our mission and fulfilling our goals based on our latest strategic plan.  

 Our programming and displays

●      Highlight the Library’s collections, resources and services

●      Enhance the Library’s role as a community resource

●      Expand the visibility of the Library within the community

●      Provide opportunities for lifelong learning, recreation and/or entertainment

Responsibility for programming and displays rests with the Library Director, under the governance of the Board of Trustees.  The Director, in turn, delegates programming and display duties to the library’s professional staff.

Program Selection

Our programs include, but are not limited to: book talks, demonstrations, discussion groups, lectures, performances, storytimes, tours, and workshops.  Those interested in presenting a program at the library need to fill out an Application for Presenting a Library Program found on our website:

The library’s staff use the following criteria, as appropriate, in making decisions about programs, display topics, and accompanying resources:

●      Community needs and interests

●      Availability of program space

●      Treatment of content for intended audience

●      Presentation quality

●      Presenter background/qualifications in content area

●      Relevance to community interests and issues

●      Historical or educational significance

●      Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events

●      Relation to library collection, resources, exhibits and programs

●      Budget


The library’s philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to library programming and displays.  The library does not knowingly discriminate through its programming or displays.  Library sponsorship of a program or display does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or display nor the views expressed by participants, and program and display topics.  The Library is not obligated to represent multiple and/or opposing viewpoints within any one program or series.

●      Library staff who present programs and curate displays do so as part of their regular duties. 

●      Presentation of a program does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the content or views expressed by participants.

●      Library programs do not duplicate programs offered within the community unless they support the Library’s strategic plan, there is sufficient local interest, or library resources are available to support duplication.

●      Programs, displays and resources are not excluded because of possible controversy. 

●      Professional performers and presenters that reflect specialized or unique expertise may be hired for library programs; they will not be excluded from consideration because of their origin, background, or views, or because of possible controversy. 

Audience & Attendance

All programs are open to the public.

●      Programs designed for specific audiences may have attendance restrictions or requirements based on age. Programs designed for a general audience have no age restrictions.

●      When safety or the nature of a program requires it, attendance will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis or by pre-registration.

●      Attendance may be limited if the number of participants reaches the established room capacity.

●      It is the responsibility of caregivers to guide children’s use of the library and its resources and services.

Charges, Sales & Fundraising

●      All Library programs are offered free of charge.

●      Programs are not used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes nor for the solicitation of business.

●      Although a businessperson or other professional expert may present a program, the information may not promote their specific business’ interest. No solicitation of future business, including but not limited to the development of prospect and mailing lists, is permitted. 

●      Fundraising is not permitted. 

●      The sale of items created by authors and artists responsible for the content of a Library program may be permitted with the permission of the Library Director or designee.


Programs will be evaluated based on data collected from the audience, program partner(s), and staff.


A SPL partnership is a mutually beneficial collaboration between the Library and an external organization, individual, business, or community group.  Partner contributions can provide and/or promote activities, support, services, events and programs to the public in ways that are mutually beneficial. 

See our Partnership Policy for details.

Statements of Concern

The Scarsdale Public Library Director and the Board of Trustees welcome feedback from patrons concerning programming and displays.   Patrons who wish to request the review of library programs or displays may submit the Statement of Concern About Library Resources form, which may be found here.  Patron concerns will be handled promptly and courteously, as detailed in our Statement of Concern About Library Resources Policy.

Approved by the Scarsdale Library Board of Trustees October 7, 2024

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