Internet Use Policy

Last Updated:

To fulfill its mission of meeting patrons’ educational, informational and recreational goals and encouraging the pursuit of lifelong learning, the Scarsdale Public Library provides free public access to the Internet by means of either the Library’s computers or the Library’s wireless network (WiFi) for use with patrons’ laptops and other mobile devices. The Internet is a global electronic network that provides resources and facilitates communication. The Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material in accordance with the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and its interpretations.


Some information found on the Internet may be inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or offensive to some patrons. Library staff members are available to assist patrons of all ages to become information literate: to access information efficiently and effectively, evaluate information critically and competently, and use information accurately. In addition, the Library’s website ( is available to help guide patrons to useful sources. The Library is not responsible for the content of the Internet, changes in the content of the sources to which the Library’s website links, or the content of sources accessed through secondary links.


It is both the right and responsibility of parents and/or legal guardians to guide their children’s use of Library resources. Parents and legal guardians are solely responsible for supervising their children’s use of the Internet; Library staff members cannot monitor this. Children may be exposed to age-inappropriate or unlawful materials via the Internet. To assist parents, the Library’s website provides links to sites that are specifically designed and recommended for young people and sites that provide guidance to help parents teach their children how to make wise choices when using the Internet.


  1. The Library strives to make its resources available to all patrons on a fair and equitable basis. Library administration reserves the right to set (a) the number of Internet session(s) each patron may have per day with Library-owned equipment, and (b) a time

limit for each patron’s Internet sessions with Library-owned equipment. Patrons will be asked to terminate any activity that adversely affects the Library WiFi’s performance, such as the downloading of large files.

  1. Patrons are responsible for having proper hardware, software and network settings on their wireless devices to connect to the Library WiFi. Library staff may not make changes to personal devices’ network settings, software and/or hardware configurations, or install any equipment, accessories or software onto patrons’ devices.
  2. When listening to music or any audio on the Library’s computers, personal laptops or other mobile devices, patrons must use earphones to make the sound inaudible to others. If sound is heard despite the use of earphones, the patron must lower the sound or turn off the audio.
  3. Use of the Library’s computers in the Children’s Room is limited to children and their accompanying parents or caregivers.
  4. Patrons are prohibited from using the Library’s equipment or WiFi (a) for activities that violate any federal, state or local laws, such as copyright infringement, obscenity, child pornography, hate mail, harassment, misrepresentation and defamation; (b) in any way that violates licensing agreements with database/network providers; and (c) to conduct any business or commercial enterprise, distribute advertising or engage in any activities inconsistent with the Library’s tax-exempt status.
  5. Patrons are prohibited from making any attempt to (a) gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks, (b) damage or modify Library-owned computer equipment, software or WiFi, and (c) install software or download programs onto Library-owned computers.


  1. The Library will not release information on the use of specific Internet resources by patrons except as required by law.
  2. Patrons are cautioned that the Library’s Internet connection is not secured and any information entered or transmitted could potentially be intercepted or viewed by another party. Users should exercise caution in transmitting personal information (such as credit card numbers, passwords or any other sensitive information). Security and privacy protection are the responsibility of the patron. Patron screen privacy cannot be assured. The Library is not responsible for the privacy practices or security of any websites accessed by patrons. The Library disclaims any liability for any loss of privacy or data patrons may experience, or damages of any kind arising from such loss.
  3. Patrons are prohibited from invading the privacy of other patrons using the Library’s computers or WiFi.
  4. Files can be temporarily saved on Library computers at the patron’s discretion, but should be removed at the end of the session. The Library regularly and routinely deletes non-permanent files from its computers. Patrons should have no expectation that files saved on Library computers will be available for any period of time. Patrons may download or save items on their own computers or peripheral storage devices, as permitted by copyright and other laws.
  5. Anti-virus software has been installed on the Library’s computers, but it may not find every virus or spyware. The Library disclaims any liability from damage to patrons’ data, storage devices, laptops or other devices as a result of the use of any Library equipment, WiFi, or databases or other services.


  1. The Library disclaims any responsibility or liability for damages of any kind, including consequential damages, arising out of patrons’ access to or use of (a) the Internet, (b) any Library equipment, WiFi or service, or (c) any materials or information obtained from the Internet.
  2. The Library is not responsible for any theft, damage or misuse of patrons’ laptops, other mobile devices or other personal property.
  3. Accessing the Internet through any equipment, network or service offered by the Library shall constitute acknowledgment of all disclaimers of liability contained in this policy and shall be deemed acceptance of its conditions.

Failure to comply with this policy may result in the suspension or loss of Internet access privileges and of Library privileges. Any person using a Library computer or WiFi for illegal activities may be subject to legal recourse and permanent expulsion from the Library. The Library administration reserves the right to establish additional rules governing Internet use and consequences for misuse that are consistent with this policy.


Adopted by the Scarsdale Public Library Board of Trustees July 2011

Updated June 2020

Download Policy