Program Description
Event Details
Be Here Now
Befriend and Empower Yourself: Practice Iyengar Yoga / Embodied Meditation Iyengar Yoga is an intelligent transformative practice of Yoga that begins with concentration and precision of action. You will develop agility, strength, endurance, resilience and mindfulness. You will learn Yoga Fundamentals step by step with modifications and support as needed.
To optimize your practice have if possible :
a laptop on a stool you can adjust
yoga mat, folding chair, a wall or table for possible support.
Additional possible props:
3 sized firm blankets, 1 or 2 yoga block(s), a bolster(s)
Taught by long time experienced certified Iyengar Yoga teacher Nancy Kardon
You will receive an email with the Zoom link approximately 1 hour before the beginning of the class