Blog Entries


What's your worst irrational fear?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the 10th installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest question for you is: What's your worst irrational fear?

Here's what you said:

What's something imaginary you wish were real?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the eighth installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest question for you is: What's something imaginary you wish were real?

Here's what you wrote:

  • Love
  • Magic
  • Telekinesis
  • A place to nap

Our next Post-it Prompt will be posted the week of February 7, 2022.

This project is brought to you by the Scarsdale Public Library's Teen Services Department & Teen Advisory Board.

What's an opinion you have that not many people share?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the seventh installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest question for you is: What's an opinion you have that not many people share?

Here's what you wrote:

  • Studying is interesting.
  • Talking to people who think differently than me helps me learn :)
  • Political parties bring more chaos and bad to America than good.

Our next Post-it Prompt will be posted the week of January 15, 2022.

What's something you hope never goes out of style?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the sixth installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest question for you is: What's something you hope never goes out of style?

Here's what you wrote:

  • Combat boots for civilians
  • [your clever answer here]

Our next Post-it Prompt will be posted the week of January 3, 2022.

This project is brought to you by the Scarsdale Public Library's Teen Services Department & Teen Advisory Board.

What's your favorite karaoke song?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the fifth installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest question for you is: What's your favorite karaoke song?

Here's what you wrote:

What's your ideal form of transport?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the fourth installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our question for you is: What's your ideal form of transport?

Here's what you wrote:

  • teleportation (weeeeeee!)
  • motorcycle (vroom vrum)
  • Razor Scooter is my favorite.
  • Train :)
  • I would FLY!! (like me flying - no plane --> I'm the form of transportation)

Our next Post-it Prompt will be posted the week of October 18, 2021.

What's something you'd put in a 2021 time capsule?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the second installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest burning question for you is: What's something you'd put in a 2021 time capsule?

Write your answer to this question on a sticky note in the Teen Room and post it for others to read. Sticky notes, pens, and reinforcing tape are provided!

Here's what you wrote:

What will people be nostalgic for in 40 years?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the first installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our burning question for you is: What will people be nostalgic for in 40 years?

Write your answer to this question on a sticky note in the Teen Room and post it for others to read. Sticky notes, pens, and reinforcing tape are provided!

Here's what you wrote: