What was your favorite toy when you were in preschool?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!


Here's the next installment of our bite-sized writing exercise:  Post-it-Prompts!

Our latest prompt for you was: What was your favorite toy when you were in preschool?

You wrote:

  • Shopkins 
  • My American Giril Doll, Annabelle
  • Legos
  • Hess Trucks!!
  • Callico Critters
  • Magnatiles or American Girl Dolls
  • Legos  -  more specifically, friends legos
  • Dolls
  • Barbies
  • Shopkins
  • Legos
  • Bear sleepy puppet
  • Shopkins

Our next Post-it-Prompt will launch in June.

This project is brought to you by Scarsdale Public Library's Teen Services Department & Teen Advisory Board.

Published by on June 08, 2024
Last Modified July 15, 2024