Staying Afloat and Finding Calm

In times like these, sometimes it helps to take a moment and remember to breathe. I’ve been finding that the Jelly Cam from the Monterey Bay Aquarium helps me to do just that. Watching the jellies float by on screen is the next best thing to seeing them in real life.

Book and activity recommendations including Monterey Bay Aquarium, Calm Mindfulness for Kids, and Yoga for Kids

Looking for ways to find calm with your kids? Check out these e-books on Hoopla and Overdrive: 

Mindful Day by Deborah Hopkinson book cover

Mindful Day by Deborah Hopkinson (Hoopla)

A young girl slows down to pay close attention to the world around her. 

Calm: Mindfulness for Kids by Wynne Kinder book cover

Calm: Mindfulness for Kids by Wynne Kinder (Overdrive)

This book of mindfulness is full of fun activities and journaling prompts. From mindfulness jars to nature walks, there’s sure to be something here to help every kid find a bit of calm. 

Yoga for Kids: Simple Animal Poses for Any Age by Lorena V. Pajalunja book cover

Yoga for Kids: Simple Animal Poses for Any Age by Lorena V. Pajalunja (Overdrive)

Need to add some movement to that mindfulness? Learning to pose like your favorite zoo animal might be just the ticket for stretching out the stress. 

Mindful Me by Whitney Stewart book cover

Mindful Me by Whitney Stewart (Hoopla)

Perfect for older elementary or middle school students looking to take charge of their own mindfulness journey.

Published by Sarah Rodriguez on April 06, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024