New November Reads 2021

November is known  for many things - National American  Indian Heritage Month, Election Day,  Veteran’s Day, the onset of Daylight Savings Time and, of course, Thanksgiving.  Having survived what was, for many, a challenging year, the prevailing sentiment at having reached this final fall month is simple gratitude. One of the many things for which we are continually  grateful is the appearance of new books on the shelves - in all their glorious variety.  For starters, check out the new titles below; click on the book jacket to be taken to the link.  Happy reading!


And the dead leaves lie huddled and still,

No longer blown hither and thither;

The last lone aster is gone;

The flowers of the witch-hazel wither …

–Robert Frost (1874-1963)


Published by Barbara Kokot on October 30, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024