Hello Crafters! Today’s craft is a little different from what we have been doing. We are going to use acrylic paints so be sure to protect your table as it could get messy. Ok? Let’s go!

You will need: acrylic paint (I used green, brown, yellow, white and black), paintbrush, sponge brush, 9.5 x 11.5 clear plastic storage bag, dark blue or black paper cut to size of bag, print out of flashlight.

The painting goes on the outside of the plastic storage bag. If you haven’t used a paintbrush before you can certainly use the sponge brush for the whole picture. I painted a little forest with trees, bushes and fireflies. You can paint anything you like, it’s your creating and there is no right or wrong in art!

If you choose to paint a forest like mine this is how I did it . To paint a tree you need a line for the trunk, and a couple of lines for branches. For leaves I dipped the sponge brush in green and blotted it on the bag, tapping it gently. The firefly is a yellow oval with white circles for wings,  and a small black dot for a head.

Print out the flashlight image, only color the flashlight itself not the beam. Cut it out as shown. There are some fireflies on the page also. If you would like to use them cut them out and past on the outside of the bag.

Put the dark color paper into the bag. Pointing the light beam down place it in the bag and it will “light up” the night!

Happy Crafting!

Published by on July 15, 2020
Last Modified January 10, 2025