Claudette's Kitchen- From Yard to Table?

Winning ways to whip up wellness!

Dandelions, as I’m sure most of us are aware, are those very annoying weeds that pop up in your lawn every spring. Dandelions have several names which include Lion’s tooth (french dent-de- lion), the Latin name Taraxacum, and pains in the butt! This post is to encourage you to put that weed killer away this year as every part of the dandelion is edible from the flower right down to the root.

Dandelion greens can be used to make a beautiful salad or chopped up and used as a garnish. It can also be an addition to a homemade sauce. They can be eaten raw or cooked, the latter will minimize their bitter flavor. The flowers can be used to make a wine and the roots for a delicious tea.

The Dandelion supposedly has many health benefits which range from reducing cholesterol, regulation of high blood pressure, aid in weight loss, and can reduce inflammation. Dandelion can be found in the produce department of your local supermarket, or you can harvest them from your yard. The way that I enjoy my dandelion is in a wonderful salad made with different colored peppers, tomatoes, avocado and other mixed greens. Feel free to use your favorite salad dressing or just oil and balsamic vinegar.

Disclaimer: Do not pick them from the side of the road or your yard if you have it chemically treated.



Dandelions in Yard

Dandelions in Yard

Garden Salad

Garden Salad

Published by Claudette Gassler on May 05, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024