Animal Crossing Read Alikes

I’m not typically a player of video games, but we’re living in strange times. I, along with many others it seems, started playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons to connect with friends during this time of social distancing. The premise is pretty simple. You design a character and start a new life on a deserted island making choices about where to build a house, how to use the land, and which adorable anthropomorphic animals you want to live alongside you. 

Haven’t hopped on the bandwagon just yet? That’s okay! You can get a feel for the game by watching this tour (led by experts from the Monterey Bay Aquarium and The Field Museum) of the fictional museum in Animal Crossing that’s filled with real-world fossils, fish & insects! 

As I’ve wandered my island picking fruit and catching butterflies, I’ve started thinking about what books provide this same sort of island and animal adventure. You don’t need to have played this game to read these wonderful books!

Click the cover you’re interested in to see more about the book.


Published by Sarah Rodriguez on January 05, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024