For teens of all ages, rising Grades 6 through 12: It’s almost that time of year all students are waiting for: summer! With that comes the annual Summer Reading Challenge–this year’s theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” Scarsdale teens in rising grades 6-12 can register by downloading the free app, Beanstack, on their phone or tablet. This will allow them to play a virtual bingo game where they can win prizes by reading books and completing activities that allow them to earn badges and tickets they can use to enter one or more grand prize raffle drawings.
The 2024 Teen Summer Reading Challenge runs from June 23 to August 31–with pre-registration opening on June 1–and is generously sponsored by The Friends of the Scarsdale Library (FOSL). We hope your students will take advantage of this exciting opportunity to complete their summer reading assignments and avoid summer slide while having fun and winning great prizes.
Students can experience great adventures in books of different genres like science fiction, historical fiction, or sports, to name a few. They can watch a movie based on a book they loved and critique the movie. They can check out a cookbook, make a recipe, and send us a photo of their creation or bring in a sample for us to try! They can travel to another library anywhere in the country, send us a photo, and write a brief description of that teen room or area. All these activities will help them win prizes and earn tickets to enter our grand prize raffle drawings. Some of the prizes are $20 gift cards–for places such as Cold Stone Creamery and Starbucks–and a brand new book of their choice. For the grand prize drawings, there will be several $100 gift cards to places like Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or Bronx River Books.
If you are a student at Scarsdale Middle School, then don't miss our blog post about your SMS summer reading resources here.
Last Modified March 14, 2025